2021/10/26 イオさんのオフグリッド太陽光発電講座@ソフィア・ファーム・コミュニティ |
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2021/10/19 As a BD farmer I want to leave this world in a better state than I found it for the next generation. バイオダイナミック農業者として、 私はこの世界を、私が見た時より良い状態で次の世代に残したいのです。 |
Rudolf Steiner said “ We have two choices.To learn to spiritualize the earth and work with nature or to ....
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2021/10/18 Do you really want to make a change in the environment ? |
Do you really want to make a change in the environment and help the human race to evolve and don't know ....
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