ソフィア・ファーム・コミュニティー [バイオダイナミック農法]
A Biodynamic CSA Farm
based on Rudolf Steiner's indications for a healing, ecological, and spiritual approach to a sustainable care of the Earth.

HP Top > 日誌Top > ベン/ Ben Campbell > Speech for Goetheanum BD confarence

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Speech for Goetheanum BD confarence
[ベン/ Ben CampbellComment(2)]

 We are Ben And Konomi Campbell.We are here by invitation from Nicholai Fuchs who came to our farm with Agematsu-san of the Anthroposophical society of Japan in Tokyo. We are honored to be here.

 She started out as a music teacher and found out about waldorf education and went to Rudolf Steiner College in Sacremento CA and learned about anthroposophy and BD from Herald Hoven in 1994-1996.Then she helped start the first anthroposophical community in Hokkaido called Hibiki no mura. Started making BD preps there from 1997. Then in 2007 started the process of having her own BD farm.Then in October 2007 she went to the Joesophine Porter Institute prep making workshop in Woolwine Va.We met at this workshop. After the workshop she went to Jeff Poppen's Bio Dynamic CSA farm in TN where I was doing my apprentice ship to attend another BD prep making workshop in Nearby Kentucky.She decided to stay and learn fron Jeff how to operate a CSA. We Both wanted to do the same thing so we got married and came to Japan in Januarary 2008. We started our CSA in the spring of 2009. Now we operate a 30 member BD CSA farm of our own on 15 ha of land in Honbetsu on the Hokkaido island and it is the coldest area in Japan with temperatures sometimes at -30 c. We have been on this farm for two years now. We have 5 jersey cows and are hand milking them and will start a cowshare program this spring. We built a woodfired brickoven to bake organic breads and baked goods but have stopped baking until we can grow our own BD grains. We are helping to establish a BD association for Japan.

 A Frenchman named Denis Pinot and his wife Yoshiko have been BD farming in Japan since 1984. and they are our leaders. Here is a message from them. "We thought it was important to start an association to protect the BD name and the Demeter label. Denis operates a 4 ha Farm in Aso Kyushu island. called Pokkowappa farm(which means why not.) He is growing tea, rice and 40 different varieties of vegetables for 300 families. He has been training apprentices on his farm and most of them have started BD farms of their own nearby and have created a strong network. They have a Pokkowappa fund with low or no interest loans. We have been lecturing and conducting BD prep making workshops in Hokkaido with Takeshi Hanura and a few others. Konomi has been there from the beginning. We also do consultant work for wine growers who want to convert to BD. Our goals for the association are #1 to make the best preps from local sources. #2 offer education and workshops on BD. #3 grow good quality products so the farmers can make a good income.#4 make own bd calendars. #5 try to adjust to the Japanese lifestyle. #6 sell own seeds. #7 use crytallization for testing for learning. "thank you Denis-san.
 Now about the Japanese farming life. Japan is less than 1% organic but slowly growing. They export most of what they grow and import most of what they eat and their livestock feed. Something is wrong with this..As you can imagine there is a lot of people on a little bit of land so there is not much room for pasture for cows so most cows are confined to their stalls on concrete most of their short lives. We cannot get our own sheaths from our own cows because of the mad cow disease scare. So we have to get them from a slaughter house that deals with diseased or cows that died by accident secretly. The horns are cut off of the mother cows at an early age so cow horns are hard to find so we use the hooves. which we think is better in the eastern hemisphere anyway.It is hard to convert the farmers in Japan to organics when they are in debt and have no support system to carry them over through the transtion. So we will have to target the young and/or the beginning farmers. The gov't makes it real easy for the farmers with consultants to tell them what ,when,and how to grow the crops they want.All the farmer has to do is basically just drive the tractor. They also have the hitech equipment to do their work which cost a lot of money. So how do we convert a farmer to organics when he is driving new equipment and does what the gov't tells them? Not only that it is hard for the son or daughter to tell the father the they want to do it different.
So we started off by trying to tell them about organics then realized that they don't what to hear it : they want to see and understand the money end of organics.So we are trying to show them with our farm, which is only two years old ,so it may take a few more years for that to happen for us.But we are working hard and the preps are getting better every year. Denis is a good example of showing them that now. We want to tell these new organic farmers about our Bio Dynamic CSA system and will get that chance at the Agriculture College in a nearby city on the 23rd this month. Compared to the farming they do now, ours is exciting and rewarding. The crops they grow go to a big heap mixed in with other farmers crops. Ours go directly to the consumer. The farmers have their own garden and will not eat the vegetables from the feild, not because they don't want to cut into their income they know that the food has no taste and the chemicals they use may be bad for them.They don't know where their crops go.Our members can see their food in the garden before they eat it and they know it is safe.We have a saying in Japan that the food has the farmers face on it if it is sold directly to the consumer.

 Japan has lost a lot of people due the tsunami and now that the Fukashima accident has happened it will have a long lasting effect on our country and the environment. Nicholai told us that "The BD preps are a constitutional solution to an agricultural problem. Simply healing the earth. "We believe that the Maria Thun's recipe Barrel Compost or BC for short can help.We did send some to some of the organic farmers there and they tested negative to the contamination. And some of the waldorf schools, the parents and the anthroposophical society read our home page announceing that we have BC. We sent it to them for free but asked them for donations to cover shipping cost. So why don't more people use it? We can't make them use it. How did it happen for Chernobyl? The gov't won't admit that it works and tries to keep it quiet. The accident leaked our more radiation that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bomb together but they say it is not so. We can't trust our gov't about this.
Here is a message from our freind Emika Massion who's father was 9 years old at the Hiroshima bombing. Emika had cancer and had most of her stomach removed and is surviving and she doesn't want this to happen again to someone else. "We are fighting the gov't and promote people. Let us know you support us. In Japan our first bomb was Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We have to Stop the nuclear reactors in whole of JAPAN. Save the Fukushima children. Grow meats and vegetables safe from nuclear radiation and look for the best way to live with each other.”
I promised her I would tell you her message. We learned from this that Nuclear power is darkness and the BD preps are light that is why we have a hard time with the gov't. So we will spread out the BD movement to future generation. Please help us stop nuclear power in Japan.

To change Japan we would have to start at the top or make a grassroots community movement such as the CSA can do. One CSA to another like a network of CSA's across the country would help the people more than the gov't. Our network is growing and we are slowly moving forward but we are not siting still or going backwards. You got to know that we are just beginning our farm and are very poor.We have to work partime jobs during the winter to make it until our CSA pays us in the spring.We are trying to help our country with nothing but our work and words of hope.

 Jeff Poppen told us something when I was having trouble understanding anthroposophy that we will never forget.

Love where you are at ,
love what you are doing ,
and love who you are with
and everything will be right.

We are open for suggestions.Thank you.
The end, please lestien to my voice without translation by your heart. I try say same sentence some lounges.

May peace prievail on Earth.
Frieden auf Erden.
Paz en la tierra.
Possa esserci la pace mel momdo.
sekai jinrui ga heiwa de arimasuyouni

Thank you, Arigatougozaimasita

Ben prepare the speech at the Goetheanum

[ベン/ Ben CampbellComment(2)]

Edited by ベン/ Ben Campbell 2012/02/08 13:24:04
Last Modified 2012/02/13 11:07:19

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That was a very moving speech, Ben. I wish I was there to hear it. We enjoyed visiting you and Konomi on our way back form Sapporo to Kushiro. Too bad we couldn't spend more time with you. I'm looking forward to spring and my first chance of the year to come out there for some healthy work and great companionship.

投稿者(Contributor):Stuart M.|2012/03/06 21:21:26

Thank you Stuart for your comment about our speech.Glad you could stop by for any length of time.I'd like to remind you and the others that we could use some help now even before the season starts.With still have lots of work to get to the 31st of May.You are welcome to come anytime you can and stay as long as you want.We'll soon have the volunteers' shelter finished and have the "second house" at our disposal for this year.plus plenty of room for camping later in the summer if you want.

投稿者(Contributor):Ben|2012/03/09 18:43:13





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